Well its not something new, yet it is something different from before. I tried my hand at photoshop, and of course its going to be a while before I can call myself "good" at it. Anywho this is the nameless character that tried the practice on
*sigh* I gotta work on lineart. By hand sure, it can be as clean as you want me to make it. Went it comes to computers...I am what they called "Technologically-challenged"
Now that I have post something, I'm going to go bury myself into more comic - drawings and slowly slip into insanity.
Until next time,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Yay for 21st Birthday
So yeah, havent posted for while due to my brain pretty much being mush right now. Been working on comics and all that fun stuff. I know I'm gonna post something soon, maybe some doodles or whatever.
But anyway, tis my 21st birthday.
So I'm gonna go draw some more now, have a glass a wine and possibly veg out :P
Till next time
But anyway, tis my 21st birthday.
So I'm gonna go draw some more now, have a glass a wine and possibly veg out :P
Till next time
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
He Needs A Name
He needs a name...and a shirt apparently lol
Anywho, so this was a character design that I started doodling a few days ago. Turned into some more sketches and now I have completely fallen in love with this character. Like I said, he doesnt have a name yet and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out one.
So yeah this is him.
Anywho, I'm going to go and try to sleep. Wish me luck :P
Anywho, so this was a character design that I started doodling a few days ago. Turned into some more sketches and now I have completely fallen in love with this character. Like I said, he doesnt have a name yet and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out one.
So yeah this is him.
Anywho, I'm going to go and try to sleep. Wish me luck :P
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Yay Giant Robots
Ugh, can you tell that's its been a while since I've actually drawn any bots?
Yeah, so in my goal to provide some decent commission work, I have to go back and practice more with the Transformers artwork. The commission work isnt primarily 'giant freakin' robots', it can be anything that anybody wants. Just I know the majority of the requests are going to be...giant robots
So here's my attempt at Optimus Prime...well A Optimus Prime. Yeah, there's more than one.
So that's what I got for right now. Back to working on thumbnails again, and possibly my own stuff.
Yeah, so in my goal to provide some decent commission work, I have to go back and practice more with the Transformers artwork. The commission work isnt primarily 'giant freakin' robots', it can be anything that anybody wants. Just I know the majority of the requests are going to be...giant robots
So here's my attempt at Optimus Prime...well A Optimus Prime. Yeah, there's more than one.
So that's what I got for right now. Back to working on thumbnails again, and possibly my own stuff.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Doodles, Doodles, Doodles...
Yeah, its summer.
Been working on some comics, thumbnails, and oh yes...DOODLES! @__@
Just to prove that I am still a major geek. Here be the marvelous Green Lantern, or Hal Jordan, or whatever.
@__@ Okay so now that's over with. Now for Mewstache Kitty silliness...
That's all I got for now. Till next time.
Gah, I need real food...
Been working on some comics, thumbnails, and oh yes...DOODLES! @__@
Just to prove that I am still a major geek. Here be the marvelous Green Lantern, or Hal Jordan, or whatever.
And just to add more fuel to the geeky-comic-book-nerd flame: Tis SUPERMAN...I mean Clark Kent.
Holy crap its Clark Kent gone wild! lol@__@ Okay so now that's over with. Now for Mewstache Kitty silliness...
That's all I got for now. Till next time.
Gah, I need real food...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
HEROES CON: PART III: Moe Pics and Some Other Stoof
Okay so this is gonna be the finishing post for Heroes Con unfortunately. I had so much fun at this con that I just want to jump in a time machine and go enjoy it all over again. Yes I will be that weird person...
Anywho a few more pics to make everyone happy :D
Now, I had already went off on posting pics before like the giddy, geeky, comic-book nerd that I am. Pointing out all the lovely things that I had enjoyed, and yet I had neglected to actually TALK about what the hell ACTUALLY happened at the con.
Of course Friday was slow, Sheila and I got there and were so overwhelmed by it all that our brains were reduced to nothing but puddles of goo leaking from our ears. We met with a bunch of artist, like Becky Cloonan and Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, where we had turned into giggling fangirls (to which I might add, I TRIED very hard not to look like a bumbling idiot).
Later on we met with teh lovely Meredith (who I highly recommend checking out her site) to where we continued on into the craziness that was the after hours of Heroes Con in the Westin Hotel.
On Saturday was pretty much scoping out as much as we could. We stopped by Cheeks table and I gots ma book that I posted recently (to which I got my free sketched headshot :D and a few pointers on to actually how to draw correctly, which I was VERY thankful for)
Pic taken by teh Lovely Sheila :3
Yeah, the moment where this pic was taken I was thinking "Please dont let me blink and look rediculous in this picture..." Pics taken my teh lovely Sheila I might add. Check out her blog :D
Tis the sketch that Cheeks drew for me in the book I bought from him. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the Flash lol
I apologize for the crappy pic. Twas trying to make it darker. BUT! Nonetheless it was pretty cool how it drew it for me. He even offered so advice on artwork if I would ever need it (which I will).
Okay now, earlier that Saturday I had met up with Alexander (to which I had previously posted about) aka SUPERMAN, to where I had taken a picture and went on my way. To my surprise he met up with me later on Saturday night at the Westin and we mingled...till nearly 3am in the morning. Do not fret my peoples, twas not something of the sexual sense. It was fact the very opposite of that. Hanging with Alexander was REALLY enjoyable, especially where I learned that he does professional co-splay as a job (to which I would totally do...if I knew what I could be cause I really have no idea). AND he took me on my very first motorcycle ride EVER (where I would like to point out, being a short person it is nearly impossible for me to get on ANYTHING that comes up to my waist. Did I feel like a clutz? ...Yes.Yes I did).
Anywho a few more pics to make everyone happy :D
Now, I had already went off on posting pics before like the giddy, geeky, comic-book nerd that I am. Pointing out all the lovely things that I had enjoyed, and yet I had neglected to actually TALK about what the hell ACTUALLY happened at the con.
Of course Friday was slow, Sheila and I got there and were so overwhelmed by it all that our brains were reduced to nothing but puddles of goo leaking from our ears. We met with a bunch of artist, like Becky Cloonan and Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, where we had turned into giggling fangirls (to which I might add, I TRIED very hard not to look like a bumbling idiot).
Later on we met with teh lovely Meredith (who I highly recommend checking out her site) to where we continued on into the craziness that was the after hours of Heroes Con in the Westin Hotel.
On Saturday was pretty much scoping out as much as we could. We stopped by Cheeks table and I gots ma book that I posted recently (to which I got my free sketched headshot :D and a few pointers on to actually how to draw correctly, which I was VERY thankful for)
Pic taken by teh Lovely Sheila :3

It was a little later after that, that we met up with my friend Paul and his friend Dave for lunch where more disturbing, crazy conversations ensued. Fun bunch of kids to hang out with, always expect something new and interesting :P
Then it was off! Back to the Con where we split up and went our separate ways to explore, conquer and...well check out all the cool stuff. Meandering through the crowd, I was able to find Josh Adams (you know, son of Neal Adams and can draw awesomely) where I had a chance to talk with him and earn a free sketch of (who else XD) the Flash.

A few more rounds through the convention, I finally met up with Sheila where later we had to bid goodbye to Paul and Dave (which sucks cause we dont know when we're going to see him again D: ).
Then there was (you guess it) MORE CRAZINESS!

Pic taken my teh lovely Sheila...man how does she get all the good takes?
Anywho! Later we met up with Sheila, Pickles, and friends at the bar where I learned that if you want to impersonate someone, you must look the part. And I mean that by "Holy crap this guy is STRONG!". He was buff, he was jacked, he was whatever you wanted to call it. He was strong and I was amazed by it lol
And so came Sunday and we decided to chill at the SCAD booth (an invitation that we accepted from my Professor Dove).
Now what threw me off guard was when I had a chance to actually sit at the table, a few people came up and were looking for my work. I offered to draw a sketch, they said yes and so I did.
During my brain focusing on sketching, I was able to catch these few words: "These are my last $10..."
My initial response was "Whu...?"
I had gotten a commission O.o and after that my brain was like "Holy crap I got money!". It was my only paid commission of the day, which is fine with me cause it actually got other peoples attention. I got to talk a lot of people on the last day and pass out business cards, even Josh Adams stopped by and I gave him a card :D (With Mewstache Kitty on every business card I passed out).
I had one last commission before I left, and that was to Alexander. Twas a pic of him playing rugby (How awesome is that? XD) and I tried my best to make it look awesome.
How cool, he took a picture of me :D
Anywho, after some goodbyes ( and hugs, cause hugs are important ), Sheila and I left on our trip back to Savannah. Singing Beatles songs from Across the Universe, My Chemical Romance, and counting down the exits, we drove until we could just crash on our beds and just veg out.
Heroes Con twas fun and I cant wait till next year :D
Mewstache Kitty sends his love :3
Monday, June 6, 2011
Okay so this deserves an explanation.
Mewstache Kitty was something I had doodled in my art history class one day. That doodle turned into constant doodles. And then when I went to Heroes Con, the doodles seemed to attract people and they loved it. SO I decided to make a little fun page out of Mewstache Kitty.
Mewstache Kitty was something I had doodled in my art history class one day. That doodle turned into constant doodles. And then when I went to Heroes Con, the doodles seemed to attract people and they loved it. SO I decided to make a little fun page out of Mewstache Kitty.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
So yusss I has more pics, and there will be more once I get them from my friend. HOWEVER, I was able to take some with ma magical space phone and here they be.
This be the lovely Sheila :3 My friend who accompanied me to Heroes Con and we spent oodles of time together. We were at a pizza shop and she POSED FOR ME :D
...Yeah its Dove, my professor from SCAD lol He be posing in the after hours of Heroes Con where peoples were mingling.
This pic was taken a few blocks from the convention center and I thought the perspective of this place was just plain AWESOME. There was some fancy shmancy movie theatre there and we went and saw Kund Fu Panda 2 (WHICH WAS AWESOME)
Now for the real stuff: HOW AWESOME IS THIS!
These two boys were so adorable, especially Mini-Flash. I loves the Flash and I was so happy to see Mini-Flash cause he was SO CUTE! XD my geekiness cause me to squeal due to the cuteness lol
So yeah, you knew it was going to happen lol This guy was completely decked out with the Batman outfit, complete Dark Knight. I saw him once before, but then he just so happen to walk by the SCAD booth so I got a good picture of him. I thought it was awesome.
So here be the Batman again with Commissioner Gordon and the Scare Crow. The umbrella in the background is the Joker.
This is one of my favorites lol The Joker is on vacation! XD
So this be all the stuff I gots from Heroes Con. The Batman Print at the top was done by Jason Metcalf (HE WAS AWESOME!) and this print is just phenomenal.
I got Becky Cloonan's new mini comic "Wolves" and her collection of Minis.
I got Cheek's book! Its so awesome! He was the coolest guy to talk to, he was so nice and I had gotten a chance to show him some of my work and he gave me a few pointers. Thank you Cheeks! And I got a free headsketch of the Flash :D
Then I gots "Distillum" which is by Sarah "Pickles" Dill from SCAD. She be a grad student and she is awesome lol
There's a whole bunch of other stuff like the "Transformers Animated: The Allspark Almanac", which is a given considering anything Transformers I'm going to get considering I AM a Transformers fan. I got a parody of Transformers called "The Incredible Change-Bots" by TopShelf, which is hilarious.
Then there was the multitude of business cards I got, some of them arent in this pic though (I'll make sure to add them in the next round of pics). I got a card from Josh Adams (:D yay!) and Jason MetCalf, and the SUPERMAN cause he was so awesome lol
So anywho, those be some pics, like I said I will post more. I have some artwork in the works that I will be posting soon, so expect something soon.
This be the lovely Sheila :3 My friend who accompanied me to Heroes Con and we spent oodles of time together. We were at a pizza shop and she POSED FOR ME :D
...Yeah its Dove, my professor from SCAD lol He be posing in the after hours of Heroes Con where peoples were mingling.
This pic was taken a few blocks from the convention center and I thought the perspective of this place was just plain AWESOME. There was some fancy shmancy movie theatre there and we went and saw Kund Fu Panda 2 (WHICH WAS AWESOME)
Now for the real stuff: HOW AWESOME IS THIS!
These two boys were so adorable, especially Mini-Flash. I loves the Flash and I was so happy to see Mini-Flash cause he was SO CUTE! XD my geekiness cause me to squeal due to the cuteness lol

So here be the Batman again with Commissioner Gordon and the Scare Crow. The umbrella in the background is the Joker.
This is one of my favorites lol The Joker is on vacation! XD
So this be all the stuff I gots from Heroes Con. The Batman Print at the top was done by Jason Metcalf (HE WAS AWESOME!) and this print is just phenomenal.
I got Becky Cloonan's new mini comic "Wolves" and her collection of Minis.
I got Cheek's book! Its so awesome! He was the coolest guy to talk to, he was so nice and I had gotten a chance to show him some of my work and he gave me a few pointers. Thank you Cheeks! And I got a free headsketch of the Flash :D
Then I gots "Distillum" which is by Sarah "Pickles" Dill from SCAD. She be a grad student and she is awesome lol
There's a whole bunch of other stuff like the "Transformers Animated: The Allspark Almanac", which is a given considering anything Transformers I'm going to get considering I AM a Transformers fan. I got a parody of Transformers called "The Incredible Change-Bots" by TopShelf, which is hilarious.
Then there was the multitude of business cards I got, some of them arent in this pic though (I'll make sure to add them in the next round of pics). I got a card from Josh Adams (:D yay!) and Jason MetCalf, and the SUPERMAN cause he was so awesome lol
So anywho, those be some pics, like I said I will post more. I have some artwork in the works that I will be posting soon, so expect something soon.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
So went to heroes con and thought this dude was awesome.
Found him out of nowhere and it was SO cool cause he was SO buff and pulling off superman so awesomely well. lol I felt so awkward, YET it was so flippin' AWESOME!
His name was Alexander and he was so AWESOME :D lol
Found him out of nowhere and it was SO cool cause he was SO buff and pulling off superman so awesomely well. lol I felt so awkward, YET it was so flippin' AWESOME!
His name was Alexander and he was so AWESOME :D lol
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Perspective: River Street
@__@ Yay! Drawing for Sequential stoof
3-Point Perspective of River Street...well a building on River Street. The story is basically people celebrating something...with booze! lol And I have a little mini story about how this guy's boyfriend left him for man whose more nicer and has more money than he does. XD
3-Point Perspective of River Street...well a building on River Street. The story is basically people celebrating something...with booze! lol And I have a little mini story about how this guy's boyfriend left him for man whose more nicer and has more money than he does. XD
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