Anywho a few more pics to make everyone happy :D
Now, I had already went off on posting pics before like the giddy, geeky, comic-book nerd that I am. Pointing out all the lovely things that I had enjoyed, and yet I had neglected to actually TALK about what the hell ACTUALLY happened at the con.
Of course Friday was slow, Sheila and I got there and were so overwhelmed by it all that our brains were reduced to nothing but puddles of goo leaking from our ears. We met with a bunch of artist, like Becky Cloonan and Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, where we had turned into giggling fangirls (to which I might add, I TRIED very hard not to look like a bumbling idiot).
Later on we met with teh lovely Meredith (who I highly recommend checking out her site) to where we continued on into the craziness that was the after hours of Heroes Con in the Westin Hotel.
On Saturday was pretty much scoping out as much as we could. We stopped by Cheeks table and I gots ma book that I posted recently (to which I got my free sketched headshot :D and a few pointers on to actually how to draw correctly, which I was VERY thankful for)
Pic taken by teh Lovely Sheila :3

It was a little later after that, that we met up with my friend Paul and his friend Dave for lunch where more disturbing, crazy conversations ensued. Fun bunch of kids to hang out with, always expect something new and interesting :P
Then it was off! Back to the Con where we split up and went our separate ways to explore, conquer and...well check out all the cool stuff. Meandering through the crowd, I was able to find Josh Adams (you know, son of Neal Adams and can draw awesomely) where I had a chance to talk with him and earn a free sketch of (who else XD) the Flash.

A few more rounds through the convention, I finally met up with Sheila where later we had to bid goodbye to Paul and Dave (which sucks cause we dont know when we're going to see him again D: ).
Then there was (you guess it) MORE CRAZINESS!

Pic taken my teh lovely how does she get all the good takes?
Anywho! Later we met up with Sheila, Pickles, and friends at the bar where I learned that if you want to impersonate someone, you must look the part. And I mean that by "Holy crap this guy is STRONG!". He was buff, he was jacked, he was whatever you wanted to call it. He was strong and I was amazed by it lol
And so came Sunday and we decided to chill at the SCAD booth (an invitation that we accepted from my Professor Dove).
Now what threw me off guard was when I had a chance to actually sit at the table, a few people came up and were looking for my work. I offered to draw a sketch, they said yes and so I did.
During my brain focusing on sketching, I was able to catch these few words: "These are my last $10..."
My initial response was "Whu...?"
I had gotten a commission O.o and after that my brain was like "Holy crap I got money!". It was my only paid commission of the day, which is fine with me cause it actually got other peoples attention. I got to talk a lot of people on the last day and pass out business cards, even Josh Adams stopped by and I gave him a card :D (With Mewstache Kitty on every business card I passed out).
I had one last commission before I left, and that was to Alexander. Twas a pic of him playing rugby (How awesome is that? XD) and I tried my best to make it look awesome.
How cool, he took a picture of me :D
Anywho, after some goodbyes ( and hugs, cause hugs are important ), Sheila and I left on our trip back to Savannah. Singing Beatles songs from Across the Universe, My Chemical Romance, and counting down the exits, we drove until we could just crash on our beds and just veg out.
Heroes Con twas fun and I cant wait till next year :D
Mewstache Kitty sends his love :3
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